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The Macquarie's pick for Word of the Year 2013 is: Infovore noun a person who craves information, especially one who takes advantage of their ready access to it on digital devices. The people's choice goes to onesie, which I'm not even going to give a definition for here - y'all know what a onesie is by now, right? For the full listings, you can see the Macquarie page here, and glory in such gorgeous words as churnalism,…

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Macquarie Dictionary - adjective /doʊp/ (say dohp) 9. (Colloquial) excellent: a dope book; so dope!

Words are the tits, really. Australian English especially so, as the folks at Macquarie Dictionary will tell you. And now their editor Susan Butler's got a blog, and it is awesome. Ever wanted to know the difference between a taboo and a derogatory word? Suze has you covered, with colourful examples. Wanna know the history of Aus usage of youse? Ms Butler has the answers. Not only that, but you also get to vote for the Word…

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