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An extraordinary Australian filmmaking family

Amanda Duthie

In Kin: An extraordinary Australian filmmaking family, artists and filmmakers from all over the world pay tribute to the indomitable Freda Glynn and her family. Freda championed Aboriginal screen storytelling with global impact, helping establish CAAMA and Imparja Television in the 1980s. Her daughter Erica Glynn and son Warwick Thornton are internationally renowned filmmakers, and her grandchildren Dylan River and Tanith Glynn-Maloney bring a fresh vision to the third generation.

Contributors include Deb Mailman, Bruce Pascoe, Philip Batty, Larissa Behrendt, Kim Williams AM, Steven McGregor, David Tranter, Lee-Ann Tjunypa Buckskin, Bridget Ikin, Margaret Pomeranz AM, David Stratton AM, Scott Hicks, Maryanne Redpath, Penny Smallacombe, Lisa Stefanoff, Wayne Blair, Liam Egan, David Jowsey, Faye Ginsburg, Mary-Ellen Mullane, von schtoop, and Amanda Duthie.

'What I love is that when they stand together as a family we get to see what they have given to our Australian screen industry, their extraordinary impact and legacy.' - Deborah Mailman

'An iconic Alice Springs family of three generations who have had an enormous and ongoing influence on Australian film and other media. The award could have gone to any one of them alone, but by drawing the connection between each of the family members, it gives recognition to the special culture of family and community and the unique creative vision that imbues them all ... It is a strong and talented family group that Australian audiences should be appreciative and very proud of.' - Helen Eddy, ReadPlus
Format Paperback
Size 210 x 140 mm
ISBN 9781743056028
Extent 198 pages
Price: AU$24.95 including GST
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