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Indigo Owl

Charlie Archbold

Indigo Owl
After Earth was destroyed by climate change and overpopulation, private corporations colonised new planets. On one such planet, Galbraith, the fertility of its citizens is tightly controlled. But at what cost?

When Scarlet Bergen leaves her childhood home to be trained at the Arcadia Institute, harnessing her psychic Solitaire talents, it feels like the beginning of her future. But on the Institute steps, her father whispers a life-changing secret about the past. Her mother, a geneticist who disappeared when Scarlet was ten, had enemies ...

Scarlet vows to discover the truth about her mother - and is joined in her mission by fellow cadets with their own family secrets and special talents: tech-savvy Rumi, a tenacious truth-hunter, and Dylan, the aloof classmate who can literally read her mind.

Together, they'll uncover a planet-wide conspiracy ... and discover that there's little the Galbraith Executives won't do to get what they want.

Indigo Owl is a fast-paced dystopian adventure from author Charlie Archbold, winner of a 2018 Children's Book Council of Australia Honour Book for Older Readers.

Charlie Archbold was born in London. She completed a degree in drama before training as a teacher and has worked as an educator for over twenty years. She has settled in Australia and lives with her family in Adelaide. Her first novel, Mallee Boys, was an Honour Book in the Children's Book Council of Australia Awards. Indigo Owl is her second book.

Praise for Indigo Owl

'Indigo Owl imagines an eerie corporate future where company loyalty comes before bodily autonomy, and reproductive rights are just another way to control people. In sparse, propulsive prose, Archbold offers a YA thriller in a science fiction suit, a novel that is at its best when the characters are trying to stay one step ahead of the game. The nascent romance between Scarlet and Dylan is sweet, but without a doubt the hard-headed Rumi is the standout character, a hyper-competent miniature Machiavelli that young readers will either love or hate. Personally, I adored her. Indigo Owl is perfect for YA readers who loved Eve of Man by Giovanna and Tom Fletcher, and Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff.' - Catherine Moller, Books and Publishing

'Indigo Owl is a story that will grab you from the very beginning. Full of secrets, conspiracy and adventure, it is hard to put down ... Perfect for readers who enjoyed Divergent, this book is sure to become a favourite with those in Year 9 and up.' - Michelle, Lamont

'Racheting tension, subtly comprehensive and convincing world-building and real-world issues that should concern us more than they do make this dystopian novel hard to put down.' - Katharine England, Advertiser

'In my opinion this novel was also very eye opening. The setting was very well established/written and introduced me to a world which is similar to ours in a lot of ways. Themes such as individuality, freedom, diversity, and government control/privatisation are all explored within this novel and can be seen throughout our society today. Overall, I would recommend Indigo Owl to young-mid teenagers who enjoy reading dystopian novels which explore these themes, and for readers who enjoy series such as the Divergent series and The Hunger Games trilogy.' - Freya, age 14, YARR-A

'Indigo Owl is about the control of governments, citizens losing their ability to think for themselves, power, murder, family, loss and love. It keeps the reader on the edge of their seat from start to finish. It is believable and terrifying. The thought of losing the freedom we experience in our country becomes all too real and the reader wills Scarlet, Dylan and Rumi to succeed ... For those who love a story with a touch of truth, like great characters with heart, and just enjoy a good yarn with a satisfying ending, this is a book to pick up ... 5 STARS.' - Sue Mauger, Glam Adelaide

'Well-pitched at the younger end of YA and deftly written, Indigo Owl is a satisfying blend of teenage angst and self-actualisation, set on a believable planet in a credible future. Charlie Archbold, whose debut novel Mallee Boys won the unpublished manuscript prize at the 2016 Adelaide Festival, is one author to follow with much pleasure.' - Clare Rhoden, Aurealis

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Format Paperback
Size 210 x 140 mm
ISBN 9781743057322
Extent 336 pages
Price: AU$24.95 including GST
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