We’re pleased to announce the winner of the September WWWC: Warren Cox. Responding to the prompt ‘backyard secrets’, Warrens short, sharp and shiny poem gave the judges a chuckle.
Read his winning entry, ‘Barely Worth Writing About’, below.
Barely Worth Writing About
My garden’s in its prime right now,
no veggies, flowers or shrubs.
There’s not a single item
to entice those hungry grubs.
No nematodes destroying
my young tomato plants.
No need to tear my hair out.
No fits, no rages, no rants.
Don’t need no crop protection.
Don’t need no pest controls.
No worries if the neighbour’s dog
gets in and digs more holes.
My wheelbarrow and garden tools
are safely locked away.
There’s nothing in the compost bin
and that’s how it will stay.
I reckon I’ll just sit around
and vegetate this year.
My backyard secrets are in the fridge.
They’re labelled four x beer.