Olive and Asparagus Frittata

Spring is announced by the new season’s asparagus bursting from the ground, freshly pickled olives and the traditional symbol of new life – eggs! Which also means: olive and asparagus frittata!

Celebrate with this easy, flexible recipe from Russell Jeavons’s Your Brick Oven. Great for an appetiser.

Olive and Asparagus Frittata

(makes enough for eight as an appetiser)
1 large onion
olive oil
1 bunch of asparagus
1 cup new season’s black olives
10 eggs
salt and pepper
fresh herbs, oregano, parsley,
chervil, chives

Slice the onion and cook it with 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a small pot until it is sweet and creamy, but not brown. Trim the asparagus and toss into boiling water for one minute then remove to cold water to cool. Cut the blanched asparagus length ways into quarters. Split the olives in halves and remove the pips.

Combine the eggs with a fork and season with salt and pepper. Mix in the freshly chopped herbs, sweetened onion, asparagus and olives.

Pour the egg mixture into a non-rusting pan lined with silicon paper small enough to make the frittata at least 5 centimetres deep. Cook in a slow oven until it is set. Beware of too much heat, as the eggs will overcook and dry out.

Egg dishes test the steady hand of a good cook – be kind to them. The finished frittata should be fresh and juicy.

Allow to cool and set. Refrigerate if it is to be eaten later. Frittata can be served as a meal or cut into small squares for appetisers.

Olive and asparagus frittata can be cooked in a moderate brick oven

The brick oven in action at Russell’s