David Blaiklock

As a university educator David Blaiklock has received a Distinguished Teaching Award from the Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools (ACAUDS) and a Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning from the Australian Office for Learning and Teaching.

David's design practice is internationally recognised, including Beijing Opera Art International Poster Biennale (2024), Shenzhen International Poster Festival, China (2023), International Eco-poster Triennial 'the 4th Block', Ukraine, Hong Kong International Poster Triennial (2010), awarded Gold and Bronze, Adelaide Fringe 2009 National Poster Competition and 2006 Australian Poster Annual.

In terms of academic research, David focusses on cross cultural communication, social advocacy, and the nature of expertise within Illustration professional practice and education. In line with these interests, the illustrations developed for this translation of Dante's Inferno have contributed to doctoral research into Illustration professional practice which examines the nature of 'vision', 'visual language' and 'empathy' as forms of Illustration expertise.