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Farrin Foster


The Regenerative Spirit Volume 2

(Un)settling, (dis)locations, (post-)colonial, (re)presentations - Australian post-colonial reflections Sue Williams, Dymphna Lonergan, Rick Hosking


The Rocks Remain

Blak poetry and story Karen Wyld, Dominic Guerrera


Dream Tetras

Mike Ladd, Cathy Brooks


The Level-headed Revolutionary

Essays, stories and poems by Brian Medlin Gillian Dooley, Wallace McKitrick, Susan Petrilli



Philip Butterss


Something Rich and Strange

Sea changes, beaches and the littoral in the Antipodes Susan Hosking, Rick Hosking, Rebecca Pannell


On the Smell of an Oily Rag

Speaking English, thinking Chinese and living Australian Ouyang Yu


London was Full of Rooms

Syd Harrex, Rick Hosking


Heart of the Matter

An introduction to eighteen South Australian poets



English Studies from Shakespeare to the Spice Girls


Drawing the Crow

Adrian Mitchell


Border Crossings

Diana Glenn, Graham Tulloch


Alas, for the Pelicans!

Flinders, Baudin and beyond Anne Chittleborough, Gillian Dooley, Brenda Glover, Rick Hosking


A Brief Take on the Australian Novel

Jean-Francois Vernay


'Whaddaya Know?'

Writings for Syd Harrex Ron Blaber
