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The Regenerative Spirit Volume 2

The Regenerative Spirit Volume 2

(Un)settling, (dis)locations, (post-)colonial, (re)presentations - Australian post-colonial reflections

Sue Williams, Dymphna Lonergan, Rick Hosking

Completes a 2-volume set of essays from the Flinders University Centre for Research in the New Literatures in English. Aimed at academics and tertiary students, in the area of cultural studies, post-colonial studies, film and literature, with the focus being on Australia.


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Sue Williams is one of the editors of The Regenerative Spirit Volume 2: (Un)settling, (dis)locations, (post-)colonial, (re)presentations - Australian post-colonial reflections.

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Dr Dymphna Lonergan is a retired academic from Flinders University (Adelaide, South Australia) with adjunct status. She has continued her ongoing interest in the Irish language and Irish Australia history since retirement. She is a member of the editorial collective for the online Irish Australian magazine Tintean and was part of the editorial group for Irish South Australia: New histories and insights (Wakefield Press, 2019) which included her chapters on 'G.S. Kingston and other pioneers in South Australia' and 'Cultural capital and Irish place names'. Her PhD research on the Irish language in Australia resulted in the book Sounds Irish (2004). In addition, she has published two bilingual short story collections: As Gaeilge (2022) and Scealta Eile (2023) with Immortalise, South Australia.

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Rick Hosking is an Associate Professor in English, Creative Writing, and Australian Studies at Flinders University where he teaches Australian Studies, colonial literary studies, historical fiction and travel writing. He co-authored with Robert Foster and Amanda Nettelbeck Fatal Collisions: the South Australian Frontier and the Violence of Memory.

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ISBN   9780975126035
DIMENSIONS   240 x 160 mm