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Cold War in a Hot Kitchen

A memoir of mid-century Melbourne Margaret Ann Spence


The Wakefield Companion to South Australian History (new edition)

Wilfrid Prest, Kerrie Round, Sandra Kearney, Bernard O'Neil


An Everyone Story

Finding our way back to compassion, hope and humanity Duncan McKellar


Gus and the Missing Boy

Troy Hunter


Shining Like the Sun

Stephen Orr


The Rocks Remain

Blak poetry and story Karen Wyld, Dominic Guerrera


The Native Plants of Adelaide

Returning the vanishing natural heritage of the Adelaide Plains to your garden Phil Bagust, Lynda Tout-Smith


Adventures in Gut Neuroscience

A biography Marcello Costa



A story of survival Paula Nagel


Default Depression

How we now interpret human distress as mental illness Anthony Smith



A memoir of love, identity and mental health Roz Bellamy


One Curious Doctor

A memoir of medicine, migration and mortality Hilton Koppe


The Comforting Weight of Water

Roanna McClelland



Carol Lefevre


Crazy Bastard

A memoir of forced adoption Abraham Maddison / Derek Pedley



Children and aspirin, a deadly dance of science, business, and politics Karen Starko


Whispering Wire

Tracing the Overland Telegraph Line through the heart of Australia Rosamund Burton


The Boy in Time

Stephen Orr


Passion Play

The Oberammergau tales Valerie Volk


Dancing Before Storms

Five revolutions that made today's world Robert T. Harris


Kaurna Warrapiipa, Kaurna Dictionary

Kaurna to English, English to Kaurna Rob Amery, Susie Greenwood, Jasmin Morley


Libby Lawrence is Good at Pretending

Jodi McAlister


Bad Art Mother

Edwina Preston


Uncanny Angles

Sean Williams


That Thing I Did

Allayne L. Webster


Remembering Bishop Hale

Jane Lydon


The Death of Dr Duncan

Tim Reeves


Blood on the Typewriter

The world of Philip White Robbie Brechin


Broken Spear

The untold story of Black Tom Birch, the man who sparked Australia’s bloodiest war Robert Cox


Sunburnt Veils

Sara Haghdoosti



Rod Reeve


One Bright Morning

Wendy Scarfe


The Teeth of a Slow Machine

Andrew Roff


Troop Train

Elizabeth Hutchins


Trouble is my Business

Lisa Walker


Hometown Haunts

Poppy Nwosu


Road Tripping with Pearl Nash

Poppy Nwosu


Too Much Cabbage and Jesus Christ

Australia's 'Mission Girl' Annie Lock Catherine Bishop


In the Room with the She Wolf

Jelena Dinic


Australian Rural Entrepreneurs

Redefining the Future Kerry Anderson


Sincerely, Ethel Malley

Stephen Orr


State of South Australia

Turbulent times John Spoehr


Your Brick Oven

Building it and baking in it Russell Jeavons


Writing = Learning

Brenton Doecke, Graham Parr


Wotan's Daughter

The life of Marjorie Lawrence Richard Davis


Workshopping the Heart

New and selected poems Jeri Kroll


Wizard of Oz

Speed, modernism and the last ride of Wizard Smith Clinton Walker


Wine, Terroir and Climate Change

John Gladstones


Wild Whiskers and Tender Tales

Close encounters with Australian wildlife rescue and conservation Ute Wegmann, Anthony Helman


Wild Asparagus, Wild Strawberries

Two years in France Barbara Santich


Where Shadows Have Fallen

The descent of Henry Kendall Adrian Mitchell


When They Came for You

Elegies of resistance Christopher Barnett


Waltzing with Jack Dancer

A slow dance with cancer Geoff Goodfellow, Grace Goodfellow, Randy Larcombe


Veg In

Simple vegetarian dishes from around the world Flip Shelton



The Aboriginal Tasmanians of Kangaroo Island Rebe Taylor


Underground Road

A novel Sharon Kernot


Turning Points

Chapters in South Australian history Robert Foster, Paul Sendziuk


Tom Price

From stonecutter to Premier Stephanie McCarthy


Time's Long Ruin

Stephen Orr


This Excellent Machine

Stephen Orr


They Hosed Them Out

John Bede Cusack, Robert Brokenmouth


The Writing's on the Wall

Stories, poems and memories by past and present staff and volunteers of the old Royal Adelaide Hospital Bronwen Webb


The White Tower

Dorothy Johnston


The Vanished Land

Disappearing dynasties of Victoria's Western District Richard Zachariah


The Trojan Dog

Dorothy Johnston


The Silent Showman

Sir George Tallis, the man behind the world's largest entertainment organisation of the 1920s Michael Tallis, Joan Tallis


The Sensible Sleep Solution

A guide to sleep in your baby's first year Sarah Blunden, Angie Willcocks


The Profilist

The notebooks of Ethan Dibble Adrian Mitchell


The Popeye Murder

A Rebecca Keith mystery Sandra Winter-Dewhirst


The Noon Lady of Towitta

A mystery Patricia Sumerling


The Long Way Home

Nobody goes that way Lydia Laube


The Lactic Acid in the Calves of Your Despair

Ali Whitelock


The Kangaroo Islanders

A story of South Australia before colonisation 1823 W.A. Cawthorne, Rick Hosking


The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine

Exposing the crisis of credibility in clinical research Jon Jureidini, Leemon B. McHenry


The Hounded

Simon Butters


The Heaven I Swallowed

A novel Rachel Hennessy


The Hands

An Australian pastoral Stephen Orr


The Goddamn Bus of Happiness

Stefan Laszczuk


The Girl with the Gold Bikini

Lisa Walker


The Fourth Season

A Sandra Mahoney mystery Dorothy Johnston
