Peter Monteath, a Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, teaches History in the School of International Studies at Flinders University, Adelaide. His recent books include POW: Australian prisoners of war in Hitler's Reich, Red Professor: The Cold War life of Fred Rose (with Valerie Munt), Interned: Torrens Island 1914-1915 (with Mandy Paul and Rebecca Martin), and the edited collection Germans: Travellers, settlers and their descendants in South Australia.

Mandy Paul is the director of the Migration Museum, a museum of the History Trust of South Australia, and has previously worked in museums around Australia and in the United Kingdom. She has a long history of working in Aboriginal Australia, which began when she was native title historian at the Central Land Council, Alice Springs. She has postgraduate qualifications in history and museum studies, and her research interests include South Australian migration and Indigenous history and historical practice in the context of museums and native title law.

Rebecca Martin completed a Bachelor of Arts (majoring in history) and Laws (Hons) with a Diploma of Languages in German at the University of Adelaide in 2013. Rebecca currently works as an educator in the museum sector in Canberra and her interests include social history, military history and international law.