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Mug Shots

Mug Shots

A memoir

Barry Oakley

'Are you sure you're cut out for this?' The question was put to the author in the fields of girls, commerce, teaching, advertising, film and radio, and in all of them the answer was no. Only in literature did he manage to come good. Incompetence is the leitmotif of Mug Shots, and the result is the funniest memoir since Clive James's unreliable ones.

Mug Shots is the autobiography of prize-winning novelist and playwright Barry Oakley, now eighty, from his Catholic childhood and education in Melbourne.



Barry Oakley is a playwright and novelist whose fiction includes the bestselling A Salute to the Great McCarthy and the prize-winning Let's Hear it for Prendergast. He has also written numerous plays, short stories, columns and articles. Barry Oakley has worked as a teacher, copywriter, zoo attendant, theatre critic and literary editor. He lives in the Blue Mountains.

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IMAGES   Greyscale illustrations
DIMENSIONS   210 x 135 mm