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The Nancy Singh Letters

The Nancy Singh Letters

Nancy Singh

Throughout history our greatest public figures have written letters back and forth that will be read for centuries to come. Winston Churchill and George Bernard Shaw, Simone de Beauvoir and Jean Paul Sartre, Philip Larkin and Kingsley Amis are some of the correspondents who come to mind.

I am pleased therefore that ordinary people will now be able to enjoy my own correspondence with the likes of Wayne Swan, Anthony Albanese, Quentin Bryce, Mr and Mrs Rudd and many more.
- Nancy Singh

In the spirit of Henry Root, the creation of writer William Donaldson who wrote to numerous public figures with unusual or outlandish questions and requests, The Nancy Singh Letters bring us hilariously up to date with what our public figures are thinking.


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Nancy Singh lives in New South Wales.

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ISBN   9781862548480
DIMENSIONS   230 x 170 mm