Shaun Berg was born in Adelaide, Australia, in 1967. His undergraduate studies were at the University of Adelaide. He has travelled widely throughout his life. He lives in South Australia.
This book considers with lyrical tenderness the dilemma of existence. It raises questions about our fragile bodies and their presence in the world through our lives lived. It asks what exists beyond the decay of the body and mind. Is there nothing or is there everything? Is this really the right question? Maybe our lack of permanence as beings means that we can never really exist. Then again, maybe we can exist beyond those living forms but then we fail for lack of context. What are we if we have no form; maybe only the tools of a conspiracy by the more enduring forms. Why do we need form anyway, what is existence without it? Does life end upon your death, does it continue notwithstanding death, what is it to live anyway, how can you ever really know?
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