Siblings in Italy ...
Ready for a bit of jealousy for your Monday morning?
WP author Kate Strohm has sent word back from Italy, where she presented a one day seminar on the topic of siblings of children with disability in Assisi (looks terrible, right?). She says,
With an audience of family members and professionals, the seminar was a lively and rewarding day. It is interesting that the issues are the same for families the world over. This particular event was so well organised by the Serafico Institute, and included simultaneous translation which made things so much easier. We had some adult and teen siblings tell their stories, always moving, but especially so this time when a young sibling expressed herself through music.
And some photos --

As far as views go, this one's ... passable.

Yes, those are shoes made of chocolate.
Not finished yet, Kate is soon to present in Scotland.