It is 1951. Beverley is 21 when she arrives in New Guinea dressed in 'safe' pale blue and pearls, to live with her new husband. Over the next months she encounters spiders as big as dinner plates, a family of snakes in the ceiling and a native woman with a baby on one breast and a piglet on the other. But none of this compares to her life after she is spied by the arrogant and strikingly handsome Pole, Stan Rybarz, and their bizarre courting ritual begins. What follows is an astounding story of adventure, passion and risk taking, as Stan wins Beverley and tackles the jungles of New Guinea to construct roads and precarious bridges. It tells of a complex and courageous man, and of a rich and beautiful country struggling to come to terms with approaching independence.
Beverley Rybarz worked as confidential secretary to the District Commissioner of Papua New Guinea in the 1950s. In Australia she has been an executive secretary for a number of organisations. Beverley is now enjoying her retirement in Adelaide.