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One and All

Labor and the radical tradition in South Australia Philip Payton


Ochre and Rust

Artefacts and encounters on Australian frontiers Philip Jones


Ninety Years at Torrens Park

The Scotch College story Peter Read, Alex Pouw-Bray


Miss Marryat's Circle

A not so distant past Cheryl Williss


Middle Kingdom

A colonial history of the highlands of Papua New Guinea James Sinclair



The making of men Nicholas Newland


Love's Obsession

The lives and archaeology of Jim and Eve Stewart Judy Powell


Leane Times

One family's transformation from Cornish farmers to Australian fighters Wendy Frew


Irish South Australia

New histories and insights Susan Arthure, Fidelma Breen, Stephanie James, Dymphna Lonergan



Torrens Island 1914-1915 Peter Monteath, Mandy Paul, Rebecca Martin


In Her Own Name

A history of women in South Australia from 1836 Helen Jones


Images of the Interior

Seven Central Australian photographers Philip Jones


Hours to Remember

Reflections on life in South Australia 1889-1929 from The Children's Hour Heather Bonnin


Holden Treasures

From the 1946 prototypes to the 1966 HR Don Loffler


Holden Days

From the original 48-215 'FX' to the 1966 HR Don Loffler


Her Majesty's Pleasure

A centenary celebration for Adelaide's theatre of the stars Frank Van Straten


Great Central State

The foundation of the Northern Territory Jack Cross


Golden Miles

Sex, speed and the Australian muscle car Clinton Walker



Travellers, settlers and their descendants in South Australia Peter Monteath


Foundational Fictions in South Australian History

Carolyn Collins, Paul Sendziuk


Fatal Collisions

The South Australian frontier and the violence of memory Robert Foster, Rick Hosking, Amanda Nettelbeck


F.J. Gillen's First Diary 1875

F.J. Gillen, Robert S. Gillen


Enjoyed for Generations

Barbara Santich


Encountering Terra Australis

The Australian voyages of Nicolas Baudin and Matthew Flinders Jean Fornasiero, Peter Monteath, John West-Sooby


Elephants and Egotists

In search of Samorn of the Adelaide Zoo Patricia Sumerling


Down at the Local

A social history of the hotels of Kensington and Norwood Patricia Sumerling


Dampier's Monkey

The south seas voyages of William Dampier Adrian Mitchell



South Australian pioneers of the Coromandel Brian Stace, William Othams


Colonialism and its Aftermath

A history of Aboriginal South Australia Peggy Brock, Tom Gara


Colonial Settlers on the River Torrens

Roger Irvine


Colonial Cousins

A surprising history of connections between India and Australia Joyce Westrip, Peggy Holroyde


By Popular Demand

The Adelaide Festival Centre story Lance Campbell


Business, Charity and Sentiment Part Two

The South Australian Housing Trust 1987-2011 Susan Marsden


Building the Village

A history of Bendigo Bank Alan Mayne


Blood Brothers

The Anzac genesis Jeff Hopkins-Weise



The real pirate of the Caribbean


Beyond the Black Stump

Histories of outback Australia Alan Mayne


Bert Edwards

King of the West End Patricia Sumerling


Behind the Wall

The women of the Destitute Asylum Adelaide, 1852-1918 Mary Geyer


Beautiful Lies

Australia from Menzies to Howard Tony Griffiths


Barossa Journeys

Into a valley of tradition Noris Ioannou


Australia's Muslim Cameleers

Pioneers of the inland 1860s-1930s Philip Jones, Anna Kenny


Ashton's Hotel

The journal of William Baker Ashton, first governor of the Adelaide Gaol Rhondda Harris


Arcadian Adelaide

Thistle Anderson, Katie Spain


Anzac Day

The Undying Debt


Almost an Island

The story of Robe Liz Harfull


All the Kings' Men

A history of the Hindmarsh Cricket Club Denis Brien


Alice Springs

From singing wire to iconic outback town Stuart Traynor


A Year-round Holiday

The histories of West Lakes Susan Marsden


A Great and Glorious Reformation

Six early South Australian legal innovations Greg Taylor
