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Sincerely, Ethel Malley

Stephen Orr


Accidental Gardens

Rob Carney


The Miscreants

Christopher Hawkes


Preparing for Business

Geoff Goodfellow


State of South Australia

Turbulent times John Spoehr


Yura and Udnyu

A history of the Adnyamathanha of the North Flinders Ranges Peggy Brock


Yulyurlu Lorna Fencer Napurrurla

Margie West, Barbara Ambjerg Pedersen, Christine Nicholls, Chips Mackinolty, Yulyurlu Lorna Fencer Napurrurla


Your Brick Oven

Building it and baking in it Russell Jeavons


Yesterday You Were Here

Mellissa Little


Wystan's Relic

Shaun Berg


Writing = Learning

Brenton Doecke, Graham Parr


Wotan's Daughter

The life of Marjorie Lawrence Richard Davis


Workshopping the Heart

New and selected poems Jeri Kroll



Louise Nicholas, Jude Aquilina, Rick Atkinson


Wizard of Oz

Speed, modernism and the last ride of Wizard Smith Clinton Walker


Wine, Terroir and Climate Change

John Gladstones


Willunga Almonds

Stories + Recipes Helen Bennetts


Wild Whiskers and Tender Tales

Close encounters with Australian wildlife rescue and conservation Ute Wegmann, Anthony Helman


Wild Asparagus, Wild Strawberries

Two years in France Barbara Santich


Why I Didn't Say Anything

The Sheldon Kennedy story


Where Shadows Have Fallen

The descent of Henry Kendall Adrian Mitchell


When They Came for You

Elegies of resistance Christopher Barnett


What's a Black Critic to Do?

Interviews, profiles and reviews of black writers


What Does it Mean to Be a Saint?

Reflections on Mary MacKillop, saints and holiness in the Catholic tradition Josephine Laffin


Waltzing with Jack Dancer

A slow dance with cancer Geoff Goodfellow, Grace Goodfellow, Randy Larcombe



An Aussie, a broad Rod Maclean


Walk Round Corners ...

Port Adelaide John Couper-Smartt


Wagner's Parsifal

The journey of a soul Peter Bassett


Victor Harbor

Down beside the sea Deb Kandelaars, Ron Kandelaars


Vernacular Visions

A folklife history of Australia: art, diversity, storytelling Noris Ioannou


Venetian Voices

Christine V. Courtney


Veg In

Simple vegetarian dishes from around the world Flip Shelton


Vanishing Point

Where intimacy turns to violence


Valour and Violets

South Australia in the Great War Robert Kearney, Sharon Cleary


Untimely Meditations

Ken Bolton


Unsettled Places

Aboriginal people and urbanisation in New South Wales George Morgan


Unruly Sun

Friendly Street Poets 31 Erica Jolly



The Aboriginal Tasmanians of Kangaroo Island Rebe Taylor


Underground Road

A novel Sharon Kernot


Under a Medlar Tree

Poems Syd Harrex


Turning Points

Chapters in South Australian history Robert Foster, Paul Sendziuk


Tuesday Night Live

Fifteen years of Friendly Street Jeri Kroll, Barry Westburg



Turning experiences into poetry Geoff Goodfellow



100 inspiring South Australian women Carolyn Collins, Roy Eccleston


Traditional Moroccan Cooking

Recipes from Fez


Tomorrow is Today

Australia in the psychedelic era, 1966-1970 Iain McIntyre


Tom Price

From stonecutter to Premier Stephanie McCarthy


Tom Moore

Abundant wonder Lisa Slade, Mark Thomson, Adrian Franklin, Tom Moore


To Rhyme or Not to Rhyme?

Kristin Martin, Joanne Knott


Time's Long Ruin

Stephen Orr


Time to Listen

How it feels to be young and dying Amber Turk, Margaret Brown


Time for Play

Recreation and moral issues in colonial South Australia Denis Molyneux



The glorious sound of summer Ashley Mallett


Thrill Me

Lynette Washington


Three Women of Faith

Elizabeth Anstice Baker, Mary Tenison Woods and Gertrude Abbott


Those Wild Rabbits

How they shaped Australia Bruce Munday


This Life in Rhymes and Riddles

Heather Caddick


This Excellent Machine

Stephen Orr


Thirty Days' Notice

Cath Kenneally


Things My Garden Taught Me

With a few pointers from literature Gabrielle Baldwin


They Hosed Them Out

John Bede Cusack, Robert Brokenmouth


Then Tina Met Will

Clementina Goldfinch and William Staker and the life journeys of their forebears Cheryl Williss


Theatre of Life

Photographic portraits Alex Frayne


The Year I Said Goodbye

Peter Winter


The Writing's on the Wall

Stories, poems and memories by past and present staff and volunteers of the old Royal Adelaide Hospital Bronwen Webb


The White Tower

Dorothy Johnston


The West-Eastern Divan of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Robert Martin


The Warrior's Path

Wisdom from contemporary martial arts masters


The Villa Diana

Travels in post-war Italy


The Vanished Land

Disappearing dynasties of Victoria's Western District Richard Zachariah


The Trojan Dog

Dorothy Johnston


The Third Brother

A story of family, and war Penny Matthews


The Tao of Bada Bing

Words of wisdom from the Sopranos


The Storm

Robert Cranny


The Southern Oscillation Index

Cath Kenneally


The Slaves of the Cool Mountains

Travels among head-hunters and slave-owners
