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Confessions of an Opera Tragic

Gillian Thomas


She's a Beauty!

The story of the first Holdens Don Loffler



Margi Prideaux


A Place to Run Free

Michael LaReaux


This Business of Living and Learning

A memoir ... and then we were three Erica Jolly



Children and aspirin, a deadly dance of science, business, and politics Karen Starko


Hair and There

(a world of blowdries) Heather Caddick


Whispering Wire

Tracing the Overland Telegraph Line through the heart of Australia Rosamund Burton


The Defiant Anti-conscriptionist

The curious life of E.H. Coombe Helen Hennessy, Partricia Booth


Bird Bones

Michelle Jager


Carrick Hill

A portrait Richard Heathcote, Mick Bradley


Letting the Summer Go

Alice Teasdale, Julia Both



Stewart Roper


Last Call

We're dying for a drink


Mark Valenzuela

Mark Valenzuela, Belinda Howden, Anna O'Loughlin


Australian Cricket Digest 2022-23

Lawrie Colliver


Grandfather Shark and the Robbers

John Riviere Morris, Hugo Shaw


Alternative Hollywood Ending

Heather Taylor-Johnson


Peter Walker: Tanglewood

Peter Walker, Lara Merrington, Rosanne Somerson


Dream Tetras

Mike Ladd, Cathy Brooks


The Boy in Time

Stephen Orr


Jessica Loughlin

From here Julie Ewington, Tina Oldknow


Passion Play

The Oberammergau tales Valerie Volk


Dancing Before Storms

Five revolutions that made today's world Robert T. Harris


The Entropy Heresy

Jed Brody



The Curse of the Night Parrot John Grant


Murder in the Colony

Paul Tucker


Code Red

Marissa Slaven


Kaurna Warrapiipa, Kaurna Dictionary

Kaurna to English, English to Kaurna Rob Amery, Susie Greenwood, Jasmin Morley


Grace back on Court

Maddy Proud


Libby Lawrence is Good at Pretending

Jodi McAlister


Bad Art Mother

Edwina Preston


Uncanny Angles

Sean Williams


A Matter of Cats

Elizabeth Hutchins


That Thing I Did

Allayne L. Webster


Bill Cook

A deeper beauty Andrew Hill, Josephine Caust, Bill Cook


Remembering Bishop Hale

Jane Lydon


The Death of Dr Duncan

Tim Reeves



The extraordinary life of Sir Sidney Kidman Christo Reid


A Historian Against the Current

The life and work of Austin Gough Don Longo


The Level-headed Revolutionary

Essays, stories and poems by Brian Medlin Gillian Dooley, Wallace McKitrick, Susan Petrilli


Blood on the Typewriter

The world of Philip White Robbie Brechin


Broken Spear

The untold story of Black Tom Birch, the man who sparked Australia’s bloodiest war Robert Cox


Cars We Used To Drive

Australians on the move, 1940s to 1960s Don Loffler


Sunburnt Veils

Sara Haghdoosti


Australian Cricket Digest 2021-22

Lawrie Colliver



Rod Reeve


Four Years in a Red Coat

The Loveday Internment Camp diary of Miyakatsu Koike Miyakatsu Koike, Hiroko Cockerill, Peter Monteath, Yuriko Nagata


Doing the Impossible

3 Minutes World Silence Mary Cassini


Adelaide's Public Transport - The First 180 Years

Tom Wilson, John Radcliffe, Christopher Steele


One Bright Morning

Wendy Scarfe


The Teeth of a Slow Machine

Andrew Roff


Australia: A seventy-year love affair

From Hungary to Australia, from post-war refugee to patriotic Australian Susan Bardy, John Holmes


Once Were Brothers

Mark Awerbuch


Sweet River

Jack Hibberd


'Roaming Freely Throughout the Universe'

Nicolas Baudin's voyage to Australia and the pursuit of science Jean Fornasiero, John West-Sooby


Port Adelaide

The history of a 'commodious harbour' John Couper-Smartt


The Establishment Boys

Barry Nicholls


Prospect Hill

Memories of a burned village Claire Smith, Heather Burke, Jordan Ralph, George Merryman, Jo Smith


Troop Train

Elizabeth Hutchins


Trouble is my Business

Lisa Walker


Hometown Haunts

Poppy Nwosu


Kunmanara Jangala Carroll

Ngaylu nyanganyi ngura winki (I can see all those places) Belinda Briggs, Alison Milyika Carroll, Luke Scholes


Road Tripping with Pearl Nash

Poppy Nwosu


Roy Ananda

Roy Ananda, Sean Williams, Bernadette Klavins, Andrew Purvis



A history of the governors of South Australia Philip Payton


Too Much Cabbage and Jesus Christ

Australia's 'Mission Girl' Annie Lock Catherine Bishop


In the Room with the She Wolf

Jelena Dinic


Damned Murder?

Burt Surmon


Maddening, Self-indulgent Crap

Words by Peter Goers Peter Goers


Australian Rural Entrepreneurs

Redefining the Future Kerry Anderson


Nearly Lunch

Peter Bakowski, Ken Bolton


Bee-Stung Lips

Barbara Hanrahan, works on paper 1960–1991 Nic Brown, Jacqueline Millner, Elspeth Pitt, Barbara Hanrahan


Code Blue

Marissa Slaven


The Philodendrist Heresy

Jed Brody



Lauren Anderson


Paradise Earth

Amy Barker


Evie and the Bushfire

Becky Westbrook, Jet James
