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Good Friends Bring Salad

A lavishly witty and richly honest story of one woman's journey from obesity and beyond Anita Campbell


Golden Miles

Sex, speed and the Australian muscle car Clinton Walker


God's Donkey

Sister Mary Theodore and the story of Mithra Peter Gale



Australian regional perspectives



Art design architecture


Girls Like Me

Teri Louise Kelly


Ginger for Pluck

The life and times of Miss Georgina King Jennifer M.T. Carter, Roger Cross


Gerry Wedd

Thong Cycle Mark Thomson



Travellers, settlers and their descendants in South Australia Peter Monteath


Geoff Brock

The man who saved a city Greg Mayfield


Gatherers and Hunters

Thomas Shapcott


Game in Transit

A history of the rhino in South Australia Geoff Brooks


Further Fables Queer and Familiar

Margaret Merrilees, Chia Moan


From Corner to Corner

The line of Henry Colless Adrian Mitchell


From Burma to Myanmar

On the road to Mandalay Lydia Laube


Friendly Street New Poets 17

John Pfitzner, Gareth Roi Jones, Rachael Mead


Friendly Street New Poets 15

Louise McKenna


Friendly Street New Poets 13

Courtney Black, Roger Higgins, Janine Baker


Friendly Street New Poets 12

Steve Brock, Margaret Fensom, Murray Alfredson


Friendly Street New Poets 11

Cameron Fuller, Simone G. Matthews


Franz Kempf 2

Thinking on paper, 1955-2002 Adam Dutkiewicz, Franz Kempf


Franz Kempf 1

Aspects of a Journey 1947-2016 John Neylon, Franz Kempf


Foundational Fictions in South Australian History

Carolyn Collins, Paul Sendziuk


Forever Shores

Fiction of the fantastic Peter McNamara, Margaret Winch


Forever Horatio

An actor's life Edmund Pegge


For All Time?

Critical issues in teaching Shakespeare


Flying Kites

Friendly Street Poets 36 Judy Dally, Louise McKenna


Flinders Essays in Economics and Economic History

A tribute to Keith Jackson Hancock, Metodey Polasek and Robert Henry Wallace


Flight to Fame

Victory in the 1919 Great Air Race, England to Australia Ross Smith, Peter Monteath


Flight of Hope

A doctor's fight for his right to personalised medicine Mark Awerbuch


Flavours of Melbourne

A culinary biography Charmaine O'Brien


First Things First

Selected letters of Kate Llewellyn 1977-2004 Kate Llewellyn, Ruth Bacchus, Barbara Hill


Fire and Spice

Parsi cookery Joyce Westrip


Fire and Flavour

Nu's food Nu Suandokmai, Nigel Hopkins, Tony Lewis


Finding Santana

A perilous journey in search of an East Timorese guerilla hero Jill Jolliffe


Finding Lily

A memoir


Fifty Years of Human Genetics

A Festschrift and liber amicorum to celebrate the life and work of George Robert Fraser Oliver Mayo, Carolyn Leach



Half a century of Australian Dance Theatre Maggie Tonkin


Fertile Ground

An anthology of SA creative writing


Feeding the Dinosaur Gene

The 50/50 food plan cookbook


Fatal Collisions

The South Australian frontier and the violence of memory Robert Foster, Rick Hosking, Amanda Nettelbeck



Hedley Marston and the atomic bomb tests in Australia Roger Cross


Fables Queer and Familiar

Margaret Merrilees, Chia Moan


F.J. Gillen's First Diary 1875

F.J. Gillen, Robert S. Gillen


Eyes Right!

The life of Claude Morlet, DSO, eye surgeon and soldier Geoffrey Morlet


Eye of the White Hawk

Stories by Bary Dowling



English Studies from Shakespeare to the Spice Girls



A journey Joel Magarey


Exploring Wild Law

The philosophy of earth jurisprudence Peter Burdon


Everything but the Squeal

A year of pigging out in northern Spain John Barlow


Ever Yours, C.H. Spence

Catherine Helen Spence's An Autobiography (1825-1910), Diary (1894) and Some Correspondence (1894-1910) Catherine Helen Spence, Susan Magarey


Europe @ 2.4 km/h

Ken Haley


Ethnographer and Contrarian

Biographical and anthropological essays in honour of Peter Sutton Julie D. Finlayson, Frances Morphy


Eric and Ian Get a Life

A novel


Enjoyed for Generations

Barbara Santich


English for a New Millennium

Leading change Cal Durrant, Karen Starr


Endless Pleasure

Exploring and collecting among the byways of gardens and gardening Trevor Nottle


End of the Night Girl

Amy T. Matthews


Encountering Terra Australis

The Australian voyages of Nicolas Baudin and Matthew Flinders Jean Fornasiero, Peter Monteath, John West-Sooby


Empowering Readers

Ten approaches to narrative


Emigrants and Historians

Essays in honour of Eric Richards Philip Payton


Elephants and Egotists

In search of Samorn of the Adelaide Zoo Patricia Sumerling


Eight Seasons

Our family's journey with childhood leukaemia Sandra Evans


Edison Doesn't Invent the Car

Steve Evans


Edge of Time

Greg Johns sculptures 1977-2015 John Neylon, Greg Johns


Eden in a Bog

A Mt Lofty Ranges swamp
