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Feel like making love?

Valentine's Day may be over, but we're still in the mood for romancing. This is evidenced by the song that Charlotte's been singing around the office all morning: Happy Tuesday, kids! (Feel like some saucy reading? Try this little gem.)

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This one goes out to all the lovers

                    We are celebrating the week of love in the lead up to Saint Vee's on Friday! Of course, we've got you covered for Valentine's Day gifts. We've even got gorgeous gift wrapping, and beautiful 'heart strings' (heart garlands made from vintage wallpaper) in the shop. Fat kisses to you all from Mango, and – awww shucks guys, we're blushing – from the rest of us Wakefieldians…

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On the silver screen ...

SA Tourism have been producing some great ads recently. There has been a bit of disagreement over the most recent Adelaide ad (see on InDaily here). Amber Petty wasn't much of a fan. But I think it's killer, and it is nice to be reminded just how darn beautiful and alive this old state of ours is. But it's not all about the big production ads. Through the SA Tourism Through Local Eyes project, a whole bunch…

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From the archives

Now, you all know by now that Wakefield Press is a pretty special place, with a very long history. I bet that you're not aware, however, of the fact that we are also the home place of our esteemed Prime Minister's very first two books. (Alright alright, I say that because I wasn't aware. In fact, I was pretty surprised!) The Minimal Monarchy (1995) is unfortunately out of stock for the moment, but we still have…

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The results are in!

The Macquarie's pick for Word of the Year 2013 is: Infovore noun a person who craves information, especially one who takes advantage of their ready access to it on digital devices. The people's choice goes to onesie, which I'm not even going to give a definition for here - y'all know what a onesie is by now, right? For the full listings, you can see the Macquarie page here, and glory in such gorgeous words as churnalism,…

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