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CHRISTMAS GIFT GUIDE: Our top staff picks for Christmas

Even in a year like 2020, where it seems that every possible chance for fun is cancelled before it can begin, Christmas prevails. Exciting for all, of course, but what do you get for your teen sister-in-law? Your friend who loves travel and history? Your (checks notes) yoga teacher? Read on to find out ...

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New Release: Adelaide Central Market

Wakefield Press's new book, Adelaide Central Market: Stories, people & recipes, captures the memories and stories of the traders of the past and the current familiar faces that visit the Adelaide Central Market throughout the past 150 years. It shows how important the market is to Adelaide and how it brings together the community with delicious seasonal-driven recipes from stallholders' families, producers and chefs around the state.Vending machines are great options as they provide the accessibility to the customers to quickly purchase the…

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How to Roast Scrub Turkey

Christmas is tomorrow, which means food prep is in full swing. Is anyone planning on having roast scrub turkey on the day? Find out more from Barbara Santich's discussion of fauna-eating practices in Bold Palates …     There wasn't any hesitation in accepting wild duck and other game birds in the same way as kangaroo—indeed, wild birds often took the place of scarce domesticated poultry. In 1794 John Macarthur employed a game shooter with a team of dogs at his property, Elizabeth Farm, supplying…

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The Bennetts, a brand new Christmas drink

The weather reports are in and it's going to be a stinking hot Christmas right across Australia, with SA copping the worst of it. But never fear! Our wonderful new author Helen Bennetts has the perfect Christmas day solution. Introducing the Bennetts,* a brand new cocktail that's a mix of almond granita and prosecco. Intrigued? We were serving them at the launch of Helen's book Willunga Almonds and everyone was raving! First you'll need almond granita,…

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The many forms of Christmas

Here's a wonderful little view of the many forms of Christmas from Margaret Merrilees's Fables Queer and Familiar, complete with illustrations by Chia Moan. Every little vignette in this novel is equal parts touching and hilarious. Read on and you'll see what I mean … Mr Stretton, Victoria’s Reception teacher, has reached that pinnacle of school life – the end-of-year concert. Traditionally Reception and Year One open the show with a segment based around the manger. Since his first year…

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The Ultimate Wakefield Press Christmas Gift Guide

Alright, let's keep this snappy. You guys need gift ideas, and we've got a book for every possible need.* So welcome to the patented Ultimate Wakefield Press Christmas Gift Guide.** For adventure-packed holiday reading, try the Steve West thrillers, centring around an ex-AFL star geologist with a heart of gold. Start with Prohibited Zone, set around the Woomera Detention Centre, then move on Ecstasy Lake, which is about a literal goldmine in the middle of the desert. For fiction…

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The Only Christmas Cake Recipe You'll Need

For a reliable Christmas Cake that will please everyone, the South Australian Country Women's Association have you covered. Actually, they have you covered for any type of cake you could possibly think of (in their Calendar of Cakes) but it's Christmas so let's just stick to the Christmas cake for the moment. Plenty of time to try all the rest in the new year! Preparation time: 40 minutes and soaking time Cooking time: 2.5 hours and half an hour…

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Christmas Requiem from Cracker

If you're looking for stories that celebrate a whole host of different takes on Christmas, Cracker is for you. Julia Archer casts back to a very different kind of Christmas in 1974 in her story 'Christmas Requiem'.   Christmas Requiem Julia Archer At two a.m. on Christmas morning the roof tore off with a drawn-out scream of ripping sheet iron. It drowned out the thunder and woke the children. Sick with terror, almost paralysed, Grant and…

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