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Partial Eclipse of the Sun

We're very excited about the partial solar eclipse happening right now(!! right now!!!) – so much so that Charlotte and I just half-blinded ourselves trying to look at it. In dedication, here's a song (and a video clip) that never goes out of style:

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WP and the Women's and Children's Hospital

If there's one thing John Butler Trio taught us, it's to Treat Yo' Mama With Respect. (You all know what I'm talking about right? Right?? Right???) And we've been thinking a lot about mamas over here at WP, with Mother's Day peeking around the corner. So we've decided to show a bit of our love, our care, our respect, by partnering up with the Women's and Children's Hospital this May, and donating 15% of every purchase from our…

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Our authors are the best authors

Am I repeating myself? Because they're ace. We've always known it, but it's nice when they get the recognition they deserve, as is happening at the moment -- Hard on the heels of Margaret Merrilees's shortlisting for the Glenda Adams Prize for New Writing, we now have not one but two longlistings from the Nita B. Kibble Awards as well! The first is Rachel Hennessy, whose novel The Heaven I Swallowed was runner-up for the Australian/Vogel…

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From the archives

It's true: Geoffrey Abbott's Amazing True Stories of Female Executions contains some of the best collected tales of martyrs, murderesses and madwomen you'll ever read. It's also pretty grisly stuff. There's the Reading Baby-farmer, who tied ribbons around the necks of her young victims and dumped them in the Thames, and the Yorkshire Witch, who sold potions for good health that turned out, incidentally, to be fatal. Almost worse than the crimes themselves, are the…

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Hampers! Books! Chocolate! Bliss!

Need another reason to come along to our pre-Easter sale? Well, there's always the fact that you'll get the chance to win one of these two bad boys: Question is, books or chocolate? Delayed or immediate gratification? Oh, and there's some awesome Fox Creek wine in there too. God. Can I take both?

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Guess who has just been shortlisted for the Glenda Adams Prize for New Fiction?                           CONGRATULATIONS MARGARET! Not that anyone here at Wakefield HQ is surprised. The First Week is gripping, beautifully written, and stays with you for a long time after you've finished reading. Click here to read an extract.

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Easter Sale!!

                  We'll be open 10am until 4pm on Saturday 12 April as well as standard hours for the rest of the week, with 20% off all stock!

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A new favourite: Benny of Verdun

Benny operates front of house at the Stanley Bridge Tavern, Verdun. He is a little Jack Russell, adopted by the tavern owners. They have a sign up asking people to ‘like’ Benny on Facebook, but he was apparently kicked off Linked-In for ‘not being a true professional’. This not only hurt Benny’s feelings, but is completely inaccurate. He is a consummate professional, entertaining and relaxing patrons. For example, here he is keeping a Chesterfield soft…

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