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GUEST POST: Would you like a dash of sunshine with your noir? by Lisa Walker

We're celebrating the publication of Lisa Walker's new young adult fiction novel this week, Trouble is my Business. This second Olivia Grace novel is another rip-roaring mystery, with nods to Nancy Drew and Sherlock Holmes, and a flavour of Veronica Mars. This Byron Bay set caper will definitely keep you warm this winter! The release of Trouble is My Business coincides perfectly with an exciting announcement from Sisters in Crime. Lisa's first Olivia Grace mystery, The Girl with the Gold Bikini, has…

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POETRY SPOTLIGHT: 'Copley Street' by Geoff Goodfellow

This week's spotlight shines on a new poetry collection by Geoff Goodfellow, Preparing for Business. Award-winning poet Geoff Goodfellow is back with another vivid, affecting, laconically dark-witted collection that pulls no punches as it masterfully chronicles Australian life. As always, Geoff delivers a series of brilliantly captured portraits of working-class life, from the street scenes of formerly industrial Port Adelaide and his home suburb of Semaphore, with its heightened blend of affluence and poverty, to…

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POETRY SPOTLIGHT: 'Endless Summer' by Cath Kenneally

This week's poetry spotlight shines on Cath Kenneally's new poetry collection, The Southern Oscillation Index. These poems reflect on travel, on staying at home, on the passing of time, and on our afflicted world. Both tough and gentle, nostalgic and sharply political, Kenneally's work is enlivened by flashes of gallows humour.

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Launching THE FEELING OF BIGNESS by Helen Parsons

When Adelaide's quasi-lockdown hit in mid-November, the launching of Helen Parsons' The Feeling of Bigness: Encountering Georgia O'Keeffe was momentarily put on hold. We were so thrilled to be able to have a rescheduled launch in early December. Launched by Jan Owen, and Emceed by Louise Nicholas, the launch was held on the beautiful grounds of St John's church on Halifax Street, on a balmy evening befitting Helen's gorgeous poems. We are delighted to be publishing Jan Owen's…

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POETRY SPOTLIGHT: 'When she washes her hair' by Steve Brock

This week, we shine the spotlight on Steve Brock's poetry collection, Live at Mr Jake's. Relaxed and laconic, Live at Mr Jake's riffs on a mix of highbrow and popular culture references. Accessible yet literary, this collection celebrates a diversity of voices from Australia and beyond. Spanning four continents, the poems are equally at home in the front bar as they are on the literary trail in Paris or San Francisco. Cool and understated, Brock…

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POETRY SPOTLIGHT: 'Blessing' by Helen Parsons

This week, we shine the poetry spotlight on Helen Parsons' new collection, The Feeling of Bigness: Georgia O'Keeffe sonnets. The sonnets in the collection draw inspiration from Georgia O'Keeffe's art and life, and her love for the big open spaces – the 'feeling of bigness' – that New Mexico offered her.

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HIDDEN HISTORIES: Ivan Polyukhvoich's case to answer

In the first instalment of our new series, Hidden Histories, intern Reem Ernst, recent Law graduate, takes a look at the shocking trial of Ivan Polyukhovich in Adelaide in 1990. Written by journalist David Bevan, and based on his observations as a court reporter, court transcripts and witness statements,.A Case to Answer serves as a record of an astounding case in legal history both in Australia and the world.

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POETRY SPOTLIGHT: 'This Poem Doesn't Rhyme' by Kristin Martin

This week's poetry highlight is on the gorgeous South Australian children's poetry book, To Rhyme Or Not To Rhyme? With poems written by Kristin Martin and illustrations by Joanne Knott, this kid's poetry collection is charming and fun. Poems truly are all around us, and in this collection Kristin shares her love of nature and sense of fun on every page. Joanne's exquisite illustrations bring the animals and natural environment to magical life.

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