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Edmund Pegge on being in Dr Who

From the warm and witty Edmund Pegge we have a few thoughts on being a small part of the Dr Who phenomenon:   On being interviewed at a Dr Who convention in Adelaide the following conversation occurred: Int: How did you approach your part? Ed: Probably learnt my lines and hit my marks. It was a long time ago. Int: What did you think of being in Dr Who at the time? Ed: Nothing. It was…

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Liz Williams: Body Language

In late September Wakefield Press had the honour of launching Liz Williams: Body Language, a beautifully photographed book dedicated to the works of the late South Australian ceramicist. Below is an excerpt from author Margot Osborne's speech at the launch. I was driven to do this book on Liz Williams to honour her lifetime of artistic achievement and to ensure that there is a record of her unique contribution to Australian ceramics. It struck me…

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