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Another accolade for The First Week

Margaret Merrilees can add another feather to her cap*. Her debut novel The First Week has been shortlisted for the Barbara Jefferis Award, a very cool award that celebrates work that depicts 'women and girls in a positive way or otherwise empowers the status of women and girls in society'. Read an extract of The First Week here or skip that and buy a copy here.You can read more about the award here and see…

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Wednesday links!

Too many things to share with you all! First of all, look at this beautiful book:                         The latest from the incredibly talented Bel Schenk, Every Time You Close Your Eyes is set during a power outage in New York in the seventies. It's an amazing one-sit read. Buy here! Secondly, are creative courses killing Western literature? Horace Engdahl seems to be making the…

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