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The launch of SURROGATE by Tracy Crisp

  Last week we launched Tracy Crisp's new book Surrogate to a very full house at Imprints Booksellers. After an excellent speech by ABC Adelaide's Deb Tribe, here is what Tracy had to say.     Thank you, Deb. For being so open to the invitation and so generous with your time to prepare for tonight and to be here this evening. And thank you for giving Surrogate such a great send-off into the world.…

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Taking a Punt

Shavers down, time to hit the store for the best beard balm you can find: it's Movember. Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australian men, with 3000 dying of it each year – more than the number of women who die of breast cancer. Turn the focus on men's health with this excerpt from Peter Endersbee's memoir, Taking a Punt. Anna accompanied me to the urologist for the biopsy results. I was still clinging…

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