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Here's to a lovely Book Market weekend

And what a weekend it was. People everywhere, delicious sausages (have I mentioned how much I like sausage sizzles?), bargains galore, author signings and readings – but the best part was all the people who came out to celebrate with us. We feel like we've met a little more of the neighbourhood now – and like we've been welcomed with open arms. Thanks so much, guys. It's so lovely getting to know you all. And…

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Links! Book Market! AUTHORS!

Okay kids, it's time for some links and some fun. First up, we have 10 Words Every Writer Needs to Know, including the very awesome scripturient, to describe someone with a passion for writing. I'm going to be including all of these in emails to our authors from now on! Secondly, we have a collection of images showing writers with their typewriters. From the very beautiful Sylvia Plath doing a spot of typing outside in…

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