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Not Black Books

If, like me, you have always loved reading, the idea of owning your own bookstore may also be your idea of heaven. I have been in customer service all my life, yet I have never worked in a bookshop before. I have worked at independent cinemas and theatres, I have worked in menswear and wine sales, but not in a place that would make me the happiest: selling books. Although working at the Cinema Nova…

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Antarctic Ideas: Hot Reads for Cold Nights

A good book is, in many ways, like a good conversation. It engages with ideas in a way that leaves you energised, knowing more than you did when you began – but still thinking and questioning. Maybe that’s why we at Wakefield feel a special affinity with the Adelaide Festival of Ideas. In the lead-up to the full festival program announcement in a few weeks, we’re remembering an event from this time last year that…

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The Wakefield Press Reader's Guide to Open State

Open State festival has a packed program which kicks off on Thursday 28 September and runs through to Sunday 8 October. Publisher Michael Bollen brings you the Wakefield Press Reader's Guide to Open State. My, my. It's an eye-opener and source of pride, browsing the Open State program, reminding us how books and reading interweave past, present and future. Picking through the goodies on offer, the mind thinks inevitably, Hmm, could be a book in that. And thinks too: Now, which…

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The Heaven I Swallowed launches

I know, I know, we've been bad and have neglected this little blog for some time. But we have a good excuse, promise! Recently we launched our new title, The Heaven I Swallowed by Rachel Hennessy. Read all about the launch below, then head over here to purchase a copy yourself!

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Behind the Veil – the Deutsch version!

  A mysterious box arrived in our office this morning, post-stamped Leverkusen, Deutschland. We soon discovered its contents were none other than five beautifully wrapped books – German editions of the best-seller Behind the Veil by Lydia Laube, published as Hinter Dem Schleier by Drachemond Verlag. The Germans have certainly out-done themselves with their version (left) – a stark contrast to ours (right). Let us know which you like best! Not only do our German counterparts make lovely…

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