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Not Black Books

If, like me, you have always loved reading, the idea of owning your own bookstore may also be your idea of heaven. I have been in customer service all my life, yet I have never worked in a bookshop before. I have worked at independent cinemas and theatres, I have worked in menswear and wine sales, but not in a place that would make me the happiest: selling books. Although working at the Cinema Nova…

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Love your Bookshop Day

'What I say is, a town isn’t a town without a bookstore. It may call itself a town, but unless it’s got a bookstore, it knows it’s not foolin’ a soul.' ― Neil Gaiman In an age of Internet sales a humble bookshop could seem archaic. In a march to digitise and automate, something so small as a bookshop could be considered an afterthought. Yet, those of us who frequent shelves and bookstalls, who know…

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Cojones meme, nerd!

Thursday links are in, kiddies! We have a fantastic article from the Guardian about words invented by authors, which has been doing the rounds these last couple of days, and has provided the wonderful title to this blog post. The list of author-invented words is wonderful, but some seem particularly apt - that cojones (from the Spanish) entered regular English usage courtesy of Hemingway is glorious. Read more here. From Esquire, we have a step-by-step guide…

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