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Fish Carvings from Catherine Truman

One of our major releases for this year is the latest SALA monograph, Catherine Truman. With a lush, evocative text from Melinda Rackham, this book delves into the fascinating world of Truman's art. One of her earliest series, the Fish Carvings, has echoes throughout her career.     Truman's first solo exhibition, Fish Carvings (1987), held at the Contemporary Jewellery Gallery in Sydney, intuitively articulates a feminist discourse of difference in conceptions of ageing and beauty. Carved in two woods –…

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Catherine Truman's SALA Opening Address

One of the biggest pleasures of the SALA festival is hearing the keynote address from the featured artist. Last year it was Giles Bettison on the importance of art. This year, Catherine Truman spoke to a packed house about the joys of 'tadpoling', and how important a sense of adventure and a strong work ethic are as an artist – or, indeed, a scientist. Catherine's very kindly shared her speech with us here. We agree…

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