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The terror of the Maltese Terrier

One of our enduring favourites over here at Wakefield HQ is Dogs in Australian Art. Even the cat-lovers agree: it's a brilliant book. From Ivor Hele's sketch of a great dane to Lin Onus's painting of a dingo surfing, there are some real Aussie icons in the mix, and a lot of them have a great sense of humour. The same could be said of Rodney Pople's I feel so pretty, so witty (2004), and yet, it's equally likely…

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A new favourite: Benny of Verdun

Benny operates front of house at the Stanley Bridge Tavern, Verdun. He is a little Jack Russell, adopted by the tavern owners. They have a sign up asking people to ‘like’ Benny on Facebook, but he was apparently kicked off Linked-In for ‘not being a true professional’. This not only hurt Benny’s feelings, but is completely inaccurate. He is a consummate professional, entertaining and relaxing patrons. For example, here he is keeping a Chesterfield soft…

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