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How to start growing your own food

There are many things that Lolo Houbein makes look easy. She's an amazing woman, and her book, One Magic Square: Growing your own food on one square metre, has been a bestseller at Wakefield Press for several years now. She has inspired many of the most unlikely veggie gardeners. But the trick is in showing everyone how easy it is – as you'll see when you read this, the introduction to her book. It turns out,…

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So, you want to build a dry-stone wall?

Beautiful stone was nature's gift to South Australia, and an irresistible building material for early settlers. Many stone walls, without mortar or with no more than mud as glue, have defied gravity and the elements all these years. Or did gravity combine with deft balance to sustain them? In Those Dry-stone Walls: Stories from South Australia's stone age, author Bruce Munday takes us on a journey across the state, exploring the history of SA's dry-stone…

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