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The mysterious sands of Qatar

Sally van Gent has lived adventurously. She's dined with the Bedouin, dived deep into the Arabian Sea, and climbed aboard a tanker for a midnight rendezvous. Her latest memoir, The Navy-blue Suitcase, is a collection of stories from her travelling life told with 'optimism, humour, an indefatigable faith in a better future, and a powerful sense that life is what you make of it, no matter what cards you’ve been dealt' (ANZ LitLovers LitBlog). Today we're…

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The beginnings of an apple orchard

Sally van Gent's Clay Gully is one of those rare books: a delightful read that transports without exaggerating. In these first few pages, she describes the process of finding the house and their decision to grow an apple orchard. All accompanied by Sally's lovely illustrations. The perfect book to read for anyone planning a big life change in 2017 … After several months of fruitless searching around Bendigo in central Victoria, the agent calls to tell us he…

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More mischief from our authors

So, Sally Hunter (née Foster) is about to swim in the Commonwealth Games, Kate Strohm's casually ambling all over the world, and Sally van Gent has so many author events coming up that we've been considering sending her a few cases of energy drinks to help her out!                                                        …

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