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On the silver screen ...

SA Tourism have been producing some great ads recently. There has been a bit of disagreement over the most recent Adelaide ad (see on InDaily here). Amber Petty wasn't much of a fan. But I think it's killer, and it is nice to be reminded just how darn beautiful and alive this old state of ours is. But it's not all about the big production ads. Through the SA Tourism Through Local Eyes project, a whole bunch…

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Macquarie Dictionary - adjective /doʊp/ (say dohp) 9. (Colloquial) excellent: a dope book; so dope!

Words are the tits, really. Australian English especially so, as the folks at Macquarie Dictionary will tell you. And now their editor Susan Butler's got a blog, and it is awesome. Ever wanted to know the difference between a taboo and a derogatory word? Suze has you covered, with colourful examples. Wanna know the history of Aus usage of youse? Ms Butler has the answers. Not only that, but you also get to vote for the Word…

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Tricks to survive a heatwave ...

The holidays are most definitely over. And we're into Day Two of the great 2014 heatwave (fingers crossed this is the only one!). We all need a good book to get us through. Thank goodness for Iola Mathews, then! Chequered Lives is the hottest off-est the press at the minute, and it's already flying out the door. Telling the story of John Barton Hack and Stephen Hack, and the early days of South Australia, it's fascinating, incredibly…

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Book Fair Success!

What a weekend it was! Don Pyatt Hall looked incredible, thanks to Liz, who spent hours sewing bunting (so cool, right?) and finding the perfect decorations. Then, the books themselves, all marked down and arranged neatly due to the enormous efforts of Trevor, our sales rep extraordinaire, and Jonny, warehouse manager and backbone of all WP's operations. But the best part of the whole weekend was the authors! We kicked the weekend off with Rodney…

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New books, and three sleeps til the fair!

Things are ripping along over here at Wakefield Press HQ. We all know that the lead up to Christmas is the busiest time of the year, but this year we decided to challenge ourselves by bringing out a bunch of new books at the same time. Johnny in the warehouse is getting a workout! First things first: you've all had a peek at Janis Sheldrick's superb Nature's Line: George Goyder, Surveyor, Environmentalist, Visionary by now, and bought…

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Christmas Book Fair Preparations

Decorations for the 2013 Christmas Book Fair are looking mighty fine, if we do say so ourselves. We've got pretty pinwheels for the kids: Some amazing quote boards (wise words, JW Eagan, wise words indeed):  And these bad boys have been working on their fierce faces: Aren't they adorable? All thanks to the creative genius of Liz Nicholson! Only two and half weeks to go!

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Something exciting is happening at WP ...

Countdown is on. The pricing gun has been unholstered. We've been working out our book-moving muscles and taking crowd control drills in the office carpark. Put it in your diaries. Tattoo it on your foreheads:                                                         Only three weeks to go!!  

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Untranslatable Words

Here's something fun for your Thursday reading pleasure: The Huffington Post has put together a list of 11 untranslatable words from other cultures. With such gems as culaccino (Italian), the mark left on a table by a cold glass, or komorebi (Japanese), the effect of sunlight filtering through trees, this list was made for poets! May we suggest looking over the article, then settling in with a copy of Miriel Lenore's In the Garden to capture that komorebi feeling? In other news,…

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Divine Vegan De...frosting!

The cold is well and truly here, so it’s time to shed your summer skin and step into your winter layers. I can think of no better way to weather the worst of it than with a good book (from Wakefield Press, naturally), your fuzziest socks, and an exaggerated portion of a hot dessert. Give your muffin top a proper welcome to winter with this (vegan!) bread and butter pudding, featured alongside heaps of other…

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